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A journey of one man's path to help those like himself


Meet Pastor Moses

Moses Awuyo


Knowing first hand the harsh realities of facing life without a father figure, Moses has committed to being a "father to the fatherless." Moses's father passed away at early in his life leaving his mother to bare the burden of taking care of him and his siblings.  That's how the name, Heart of the Fathercame about.


When Moses began this ministry, God showed him that one day he would own his own land for orphans and street kids in order to provide them with the love, proper education and health care every child should be given. Along with providing the essential needs, Moses also wanted to protect children from guerrilla armies who constantly recruited children to become soldiers.


In 2012, Moses met Gary Poole through a mutual friend. He shared his vision with him and they began working together in efforts of achieving this vision.


In 2017, with the contributions of many faithful people, Moses purchased his land for not a small amount. The huge property came with a building that they are currently renovating.


Through the Heart of the Father life Center Moses hopes to partner with other individuals who want to be the hands and feet. In this way, the orphans will discover the heart of the FATHER.


Humble Beginnings

Moses's house/pseudo orphanage where he began to gather kids on the street and take care of them. 



Small Steps

Equipped with a vision from God, Moses ​

continued to work towards his goal. This is a makeshift sign he made.

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With the number of children under Moses's care increasing substantially, we opened our first school community center while also hiring staff.

School & Community Center


In 2017, Moses saw his vision fulfilled as he was finally able to purchase his own piece of land for the Heart of the Father Life Center.

Vision realized


© 2020 by Heart Of The Father Life Center

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